Monday, November 16, 2009

I have been sick all week and nothing seems to be helping me get better. I have a terribly ugly cough that keeps my roommate and me up at night. Today during class I had a sneezing/coughing attack and had to leave! I have three different types of medicine that I am taking to get rid of this so they better start working and fast!

The visit last weekend to see my brother Tyler was a success! He gave my boyfriend Isaac and I a tour of Augustana and I realized it's not as big as I thought. It's a really pretty and nice-sized campus. We went thrifting with his roommate Dylan, who is a really nice guy, and I found some cowboy boots that my brother picked up a couple days later when they were on sale!

This weekend was probably the busy weekend I have had so far. On Friday night, my friend Theresa had her bachelorette party - or rather, we threw her the party! We rented a hotel room and played a bunch of games. It was such a blast.. I got to hang out with my soccer teammates whom I barely get to see now that the season is over.

On Saturday I had to be up bright and early to give tours to groups of prospective students because it was a campus visit day. One of the moms was a MMC alum and she seemed to enjoy the tour the most! Then I had to play pep band and I watched the girl's basketball game - they won! After that both choirs had a rehearsal that the public could watch. I thought we sounded pretty good and I'm getting really excited for our concert, Vespers, at the end of the month.

My mom came to Mass on Sunday because I was playing flute, singing with the chamber choir, and being initiated as an Ambassador. She got a late start and ended up just missing my flute duet before Mass, so it was a good thing we also played harmony parts to the Alleluias and Holy Holy Holy!

I have alot to get done before Thanksgiving break can start: my sound presentation on funk music/Prince, a title sequence for "The Wizard of Oz" for motion graphics, a literary analysis paper for my short story class, and I really need to work on my final project for Writing and the Visual Arts.

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