Monday, November 30, 2009

Well, after a short and sweet Thanksgiving break, it's back to the old grind. But it's only two weeks until Christmas break! And I have a lot to accomplish in those two weeks.

This week is the last week of regular classes and next week is finals. On Wednesday I have to present my final project in Writing and the Visual Arts. I wrote poems and made posters using my graphic design skills on the topic of breast cancer. Right now I only have three poems/posters which, in actuality, is a lot, but I think I will make one more (hopefully!) so that when I say I was shooting for 3-5 I don't only do the minimum :P

On Thursday I will be playing flute for the Living Nativity. I might also be hosting a track recruit.. so I will have to find ways to entertain her! Friday will be my busiest day of this week because I have to Ambassador for the faculty/staff Christmas party by serving drinks and their meal. Then its the choir's ugly sweater party. I have to go to goodwill tomorrow to see if I can find a super-amazing-deluxe-crazy-awesome-uber-ugly christmas sweater. On Saturday I have to play pep band for the basketball games and then that night there is a Christmas bistro dance.

Next week I have one final on Wednesday and three on Thursday. I have two projects, two tests, and a paper that goes along with one of the tests. I don't think it should be too bad since the two tests are not comprehensive and I have done well on all the past tests in those classes.

I just realized I have not yet told of my Thanksgiving break. Leading up to it I had been sick for two weeks and it got really bad last Tuesday, so on my way home I stopped at the hospital and got a new antibiotic plus some cough medicine and I slept that night for the first time in two weeks! But, although I was recovering from such a bad cough/cold, I did have fun over break. On Wednesday I went to my friends Theresa and Laura's house (Theresa goes to MMC and Laura graduated from here) and we had a game night with friends that we work with. On Turkey day, my brothers, boyfriend, mom and I had supper together at my house. Needless to say, it was delicious and I ate too much (how cliche :P). On Friday we all did a little Black Friday shopping, but didn't go until 9am.. I prefer sleep over crazy deals. However, I ended up getting some crazy deals.. I got a new suitcase, purse and wallet, as well as a sweater and earrings. And I got good gift ideas for my brothers, boyfriend and mom. That night I went to my friend Allie's house and she had a huge get-together. We played what we called "The World's Largest Game of Spoons." Spoons can get pretty dangerous when playing with 15 people!

I came back to school on Saturday so I wouldn't have to get up early to come back on Sunday because it was our choir concert, Vespers. We practiced for almost two hours in the afternoon before the performances at night. The choirs sang with members of the Sioux Falls orchestra, which was amazing. The orchestra made every song sound so beautiful.. I loved it! I have previously sang with the Omaha Symphony Orchestra and this time with the Sioux Falls Orchestra was just as amazing. We had two performances and they were both packed. Afterwards I received so many compliments, which goes to show that it was quite the memorable experience.

Tonight I am going to try to get all my homework done for the next three days so I can go ugly sweater shopping tomorrow. Good luck to me!

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