Thursday, February 25, 2010

This week has been a long week, but at the same time, its gone quite fast.

Isaac surprised me with roses this week.. I had kept "hinting" at him to get me flowers for Valentine's day, which in reality was me flat-out telling him I wanted flowers. They were orange roses, with a note that read "Orange flowers for my orange head." How romantic. And also, while we are talking about Isaac, he got a job today! After a month and a half of searching and applying he finally found work.. at Bomgaars. My johnmate Kelly works there so I think she worked her magic and helped him get the job.. either way, I'm happy. The poor little guy has been trying so hard.. he must have applied 20 places!

But enough about him. I finished "A Thousand Splendid Suns" and it was amazing. I have never been a big book reader, but this book was amazing and makes me wonder why I haven't.

In motion graphics we are making websites for our next project. We learned code in Flash all last week, which was frustrating and confusing. However, I managed to pull together a pretty cool website called "baubles and beads." If you couldn't guess, its a jewelry website. Later in the semester we have to make another website and I think I will make my online portfolio.

This weekend I am playing in an indoor soccer tournament in Sioux City. I haven'y played any indoor soccer yet this year so it should be interesting. And speaking of the weekend, I never mentioned last weekend. I went to Tonic Sol Fa in Sioux Falls on Saturday.. if you don't know, they are an amazing a cappella group. MMC's Smooth Benediction a cappella choir opened for them and they did great. Tonic Sol Fa was super entertaining and I was so glad I got to go. On Sunday I went to another concert.. but this time it was Remedy Drive! They are so good live and present such a good message. We even got to meet them after the show, but for me it was like the third time meeting them :P

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